Currently, there are 81 officially recognized plugins
Can't you find the plugin you are looking for? No problem, it's very easy to write one!
Name | Description |
fastify-accepts | to have accepts in your request object. |
fastify-accepts-serializer | to serialize to output according to Accept header. |
fastify-auth | Run multiple auth functions in Fastify. |
fastify-bankai | Bankai assets compiler for Fastify. |
fastify-basic-auth | Basic auth plugin for Fastify. |
fastify-bearer-auth | Bearer auth plugin for Fastify. |
fastify-caching | General server-side cache and etag support. |
fastify-circuit-breaker | A low overhead circuit breaker for your routes. |
fastify-compress | Fastify compression utils. |
fastify-cookie | Parse and set cookie headers. |
fastify-cors | Enables the use of CORS in a Fastify application. |
fastify-env | Load and check configuration. |
fastify-elasticsearch | Plugin to share the same ES client. |
fastify-formbody | Plugin to parse x-www-form-urlencoded bodies. |
fastify-helmet | Important security headers for Fastify. |
fastify-http-proxy | Proxy your http requests to another server, with hooks. |
fastify-jwt | JWT utils for Fastify, internally uses jsonwebtoken. |
fastify-leveldb | Plugin to share a common LevelDB connection across Fastify. |
fastify-mongodb | Fastify MongoDB connection plugin, with which you can share the same MongoDB connection pool across every part of your server. |
fastify-multipart | Multipart support for Fastify. |
fastify-oauth2 | Wrap around simple-oauth2 . |
fastify-postgres | Fastify PostgreSQL connection plugin, with this you can share the same PostgreSQL connection pool in every part of your server. |
fastify-rate-limit | A low overhead rate limiter for your routes. |
fastify-react | React server side rendering support for Fastify with Next. |
fastify-redis | Fastify Redis connection plugin, with which you can share the same Redis connection across every part of your server. |
fastify-reply-from | Plugin to forward the current http request to another server. |
fastify-sensible | Defaults for Fastify that everyone can agree on. It adds some useful decorators such as http errors and assertions, but also more request and reply methods. |
fastify-static | Plugin for serving static files as fast as possible. |
fastify-swagger | Swagger documentation generator for Fastify. |
fastify-websocket | WebSocket support for Fastify. Built upon websocket-stream. |
fastify-url-data | Decorate the Request object with a method to access raw URL components. |
point-of-view | Templates rendering (ejs, pug, handlebars, marko) plugin support for Fastify. |
under-pressure | Measure process load with automatic handling of "Service Unavailable" plugin for Fastify. |
arecibo | Fastify ping responder for Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes. |
fastify-angular-universal | Angular server-side rendering support using @angular/platform-server for Fastify |
fastify-apollo | Run an Apollo Server to serve GraphQL with Fastify. |
fastify-blipp | Prints your routes to the console, so you definitely know which endpoints are available. |
fastify-bookshelf | Fastify plugin to add bookshelf.js orm support. |
fastify-boom | Fastify plugin to add boom support. |
fastify-couchdb | Fastify plugin to add CouchDB support via nano. |
fastify-datastore | Fastify plugin for Google Cloud Datastore. |
fastify-dynamodb | AWS DynamoDB plugin for Fastify. It exposes AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient() object. |
fastify-error-page | Fastify plugin to print errors in structured HTML to the browser. |
fastify-favicon | Fastify plugin to serve default favicon. |
fastify-file-upload | Fastify plugin for uploading files. |
fastify-firebase-auth | Firebase Authentication for Fastify supporting all of the methods relating to the authentication API. |
fastify-firestore | Fastify plugin for Google Cloud Firestore. |
fastify-graceful-shutdown | Shutdown Fastify gracefully and asynchronously. |
fastify-hemera | Fastify Hemera plugin, for writing reliable & fault-tolerant microservices with |
fastify-jwt-authz | JWT user scope verifier. |
fastify-knexjs | Fastify plugin for support KnexJS Query Builder. |
fastify-knexjs-mock | Fastify Mock KnexJS for testing support. |
fastify-language-parser | Fastify plugin to parse request language. |
fastify-loader | Load routes from a directory and inject the fastify instance in each file. |
fastify-lured | Plugin to load lua scripts with fastify-redis and lured. |
fastify-markdown | Plugin to markdown support. |
fastify-mongo-memory | Fastify MongoDB in Memory Plugin for testing support. |
fastify-nats | Plugin to share NATS client across Fastify. |
fastify-no-icon | Plugin to eliminate thrown errors for /favicon.ico requests. |
fastify-nodemailer | Plugin to share nodemailer transporter across Fastify. |
fastify-nuxt | VueJS server side rendering support for Fastify with NuxtJS |
fastify-openapi-glue | Glue for Open Api specifications in Fastify, autogenerates routes based on an Open Api Specification |
fastify-oracle | Attaches an oracledb connection pool to a Fastify server instance. |
fastify-orientdb | Fastify OrientDB connection plugin, with which you can share the OrientDB connection across every part of your server. |
fastify-register-routes | Plugin to automatically load routes from a specified path and optionally limit loaded file names by a regular expression. |
fastify-response-time | Add X-Response-Time header at each request for Fastify, in milliseconds. |
fastify-rob-config | Fastify Rob-Config integration. |
fastify-sequelize | Fastify plugin work with Sequelize (adapter for NodeJS -> Sqlite, Mysql, Mssql, Postgres). |
fastify-server-session | A session plugin with support for arbitrary backing caches via fastify-caching . |
fastify-session | a session plugin for Fastify. |
fastify-soap-client | a SOAP client plugin for Fastify. |
fastify-sse | to provide Server-Sent Events with reply.sse( … ) to Fastify. |
fastify-tls-keygen | Automatically generate a browser-compatible, trusted, self-signed, localhost-only, TLS certificate. |
fastify-vhost | Proxy subdomain http requests to another server (useful if you want to point multiple subdomains to the same IP address, while running different servers on the same machine). |
fastify-xml-body-parser | Parse XML payload / request body into JS / JSON object. |
fastify-vue-plugin | Nuxt.js plugin for fastify. Controll the routes nuxt should use. |
fastify-wamp-router | Web Application Messaging Protocol router for fastify. |
fast-water | A fastify plugin for waterline. Decorates fastify with waterline models. |
fastify-webpack-hmr | Webpack hot module reloading plugin for Fastify. |
fastify-ws | WebSocket integration for Fastify — with support for WebSocket lifecycle hooks instead of a single handler function. Built upon ws and uws. |
k-fastify-gateway | API Gateway plugin for fastify , a low footprint implementation that uses the fastify-reply-from HTTP proxy library. |
Did you create a fastify plugin and want to list it here? Submit a PR and we will check it out!